Why advertise on Voltage Lab?

VoltageLab.com reaches a global audience of electrical and electronics enthusiasts, including hobbyists and engineers. Since 2017, we’ve been a trusted platform for promoting products and services to this specific group. We offer custom advertising solutions and work directly with partners, instead of using Google Ads. You can explore our website to see available ad spaces or request our Media Kit (PDF) for details on placements, rates, and performance. We’re here to help you find a flexible, budget-friendly option to meet your marketing needs.

STATISTICSvoltage lab stats

Traffic Growth Stats:

    • Yearly Visits: 94,000
    • Yearly Page Impressions: 160,000
    • Traffic Increase: 336.6% growth
    • Bounce Rate: 45.3%
    • Average Time on Site: 1 minute 26 seconds

Audience Insights:

      • Top Countries: USA, India, Germany, France, Poland, UK, Russia, and more
      • Gender: 89.3% male
      • Age Range: 50% are 18-34 years old
      • Primary Interests: Technology, Electrical & Electronics, Science, Telecommunications
      • Language: 53.8% speak English
      • Browser: 64.7% use Chrome
      • Operating System: 58% use Windows

Additional Information:

    • New Traffic: We attract new visitors daily
    • Request More Details: Contact us for a Media Kit with detailed statistics and audience segments

What we offer

Advertising Options at VoltageLab.com:

  • Header Banner: 728×90 px, rotating across the site, always visible at the top.
  • Background Ad: 1566×726 px, available in Projects, Downloads, Articles, and Calculators sections.
  • Leaderboard Ads:
    • 1200×125 px, on Homepage (below top stories or above latest projects).
    • 1200×125 px, in Blog section (top of the page).
    • 1200×125 px, in Projects section (below articles, above tags or comments).
    • 1200×125 px, below breadcrumb in Projects/Downloads category.
  • Squared Ads:
    • 300×250 px, on Homepage (right sidebar).
    • 300×250 px, inside Projects (middle of the article).
    • 300×250 px, inside Tutorials (middle of the article).
    • 336×280 px, below Projects main article.
    • 336×280 px, below Tutorials main article.
  • Skyscraper: 300×600 px, in Blog section (right sidebar).
  • Community Ads: 728×90 px, custom placement in the community section.
  • Top Menu Ads: Text menu advertising with 2-3 sub-menus.
  • Bottom Menu Ads: Text menu advertising without submenu.
  • Side Tab: 220×28 px, placed on the right scroll bar across the site.
  • Blog Post Ad: 874×90 px, below blog post details.

Custom Placements: We can also discuss custom ad spots to better suit your needs.

Pricing: All packages are flat-rate and billed monthly. For details and rates, contact us or request our Media Kit by filling out the form below.

Advertising package contact form