HomeScienceWhat is the Difference Between Voltage and Current

What is the Difference Between Voltage and Current

We can do endless discussions on current and voltage or talk about What is the Difference Between Voltage and Current. As a student, we can’t even clear a preliminary concept of current and voltage. It becomes so difficult when we have to understand topics like switchgear systems or power systems.

So it’s good to know detailed things about current and voltage. Today’s discussion will sharpen your knowledge of current and voltage.

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What is the Difference Between Voltage and Current

We Write V for Voltage But Why Don’t We Write C for The Current? Why Do We Write ‘i’ Instead of C?

We understand the capacitance of the capacitor by C. So avoiding confusion ‘i’ is used for current. But why ‘i’? Because ‘i’ came from the word intensity from the current intensity.

Why Does The Current Flow but The Voltage Doesn’t?/Difference between Voltage and Current

This is a very interesting question. Let’s understand it by an example. Suppose, you are walking. But how you are walking? You are walking by using your stored energy of the body. But if the way is not smooth you will lose your energy and the speed will slow down. Now compare yourself with the electron, your energy with voltage, your body with the current. Now the topic will be clear for you.


So the voltage is the pressure or force which helps electrons to flow.

Why Do We Use the Term Voltage Drop but Not Current Drop? 

If you walk on a rough road, it will decrease your energy. Which has to be adjusted with the necessary energy, or volt for moving the electron from the conductor. If your walking speed drops, it will still continue. So it’s good not to use a drop for electron or current flow in the conductor. 

E= IR and I= ER Same?

We all get confused with these two equations. But they have a different story. 

  1. E is the voltage of the source and V is the distributed voltage in resistances. 
  2. If you want the value of source voltage by the equation E=IR, you have to multiply the total current of the circuit with total resistance.
  3. To know the value of distributed voltage in a specific resistance by V= IR, we have to multiply the value of the current flow in the resistance with the value of the resistance. E is the short form of E.M.F. Its full form is Electromotive force.
Voltage and Current

If the Current is the Flow of Electrons, Why Conductor doesn’t Run Out of Electrons?

We know that conductor materials atom has free electrons. And conductor means a lot of atoms. An atom means more electrons. If we take one bucket of water from the sea it won’t affect the total quantity. The same goes for electrons. The shortage of electrons is impossible. 

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V= IR and P=IV, When We will Use These Equations? Are the Equations are Conflicting?

  1. The equations are not conflicting. But they have some differences and rules for applications.
  2. The device which is linear means if the current and voltage change but the ratio of them stays constant, we will use V= IR for the device. For example, DC source-related pure resistive load.
  3. For the nonlinear device which doesn’t stay constant for the change of the ratio of current and voltage, we will use P= IV. For example transformer, inductive or capacitive load.

Hope it was helpful for you to understand What is the Difference Between Voltage and Current.

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Md Nazmul Islam
Md Nazmul Islam
An expert in Electrical & Electronics engineering, I combine my academic background with hands-on experience to craft insightful content. Collaborating with the Voltage Lab team and skilled educators, I’m passionate about sharing research-backed knowledge to empower others in the field.

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